what is e-learning

What is e-learning?

The term "online learning" refers to a type of education that takes place through the internet. Among other terms, it is referred to as e-learning. However, online learning is a subset of distance learning, which is the umbrella word for all learning that occurs outside of a traditional classroom.

Why e-learning?

E-learning is being used by many businesses and institutions because it may be as effective as conventional training at a lower cost. It costs more to develop e-learning than it does to prepare classroom materials and educate trainers, especially if multimedia or highly interactive approaches are employed. However, e-learning delivery costs (including web server and technical support) are far cheaper than the expenses of classroom facilities, instructor time, participant travel, and missed work time due to classroom sessions.

what is e-learning
what is e-learning

For whom this product?

  • Who wants to make learning process online.
  • Who offers courses for learning or training purpose.
  • Who wants to reduce cost of learning process.
  • Who wants to increase productivity.      
  • Who wants to involve more learners.

Benefits of Building Your Own E-learning Platform


Time Flexibility

Time Flexibility


Pace of Learning

Pace of Learning


Multiple Courses

Multiple Courses





Increases Sales

Increases Sales


Quick Delivery

Quick Delivery



Consistency & Teacher Scarcity





Ease of content

Ease of Content Update


Less Impact

Less Impact On Environment

E-learning makes the Interaction between teacher and Student easier


No Answer


Very Effective




Somewhat Effective


Somewhat ineffective


Non-effective at all

Perception of the effectiveness of distant learning (percentage)

E-learning can provide you

Analytics & Reporting

Analytics & Reporting

Detailed course analytics including student progress, grades, activity and statistics and you can even share and export your reports via Excel.



Control how a student moves through the sections and items in your course by requiring them to finish a section Or item before moving on.

Minimum-time Spent

Minimum-time Spent

Set a minimum time that students should spend in the overall courses, forcing them to slow down.

Online & Self-Paced courses

Online & Self-Paced courses

Build courses that include text, video, audio, SCORM, PDF, livestreaming, quizzes and much more.

Group onboarding

Group onboarding

On-board corporations by selling course seats in bulk and delegating students’ management to them.

Software integration

Software integration

Limitless integrations with any of your favorite programs And platforms. If we do not already have it, we’ll build it.

Why Nexkraft e-Learning

Course Management

Course Management

Course Management

It allows the administrator to add/delete/update courses. Besides, instructors can post content on the application. Here are the features of course management module:

  • This module will show a dashboard of all the courses with particular course id, course name, instructor name, course duration etc.
  • The admin can see the details of all courses. Every course has their own database.
  • Admin can assign instructor to the courses.
  • Admin and particular instructor can see the number of enrolled learners, their date of enrollment, enrollment number, learner profile etc. on that specific course.
  • Admin can also add or drop any course.
  • Instructor can upload content through this module.
  • Instructor can edit/delete any content.

User Management

User management module is actually the admin panel where the administrator can

  • manage user information
  • This module allows to manage users, groups and roles
  • Administrator can add, delete, modify a user, group or role
  • Security provider requirements for use management
  • Listing and locating users. Adding a user
  • Viewing and changing user properties
  • Listing and locating groups
User Management

User Management

Exam Management

Exam Management

Exam Management

In this module the admin and trainer can manage the exams

  • Uploading questions
  • Setting up exam dates and time
  • Authentic and reliable examinations
  • Exam duration
  • Setting up pass marks
  • Setting up marking criteria
  • Become paper free
  • Strict confidentiality

Result Management & Processing

Instructor will upload the marks of the students. Then the result management and processing system will get the marks, attendance percentage, submissions and other assessments. Finally, it will generate the result and the module will show the results on the dashboard.

  • This module will get the marks from the result management module.
  • It will take the content completion report from the content management module and check whether the learner has completed all the contents.
  • If all the assessment criteria are full-filled, certificate will be generated.
  • Learner can download the certificate after completing the course.
  • Learner can also view all the certificates from the certificate button at the user dashboard.
Result Management

Result Management & Processing

Certificate Management

Certificate Management

Certificate Management

This certificate management module will be generated after the course completion. The system will get the final grades from the result management and processing system. Then it will review the grades, it will see whether the learner has completed all the contents of the particular course. When a learner completes all the contents and pass the assessments, this certificate module will visible. Then a pdf file of the certificate will be generated. Besides, trainee can analog certificate if he wants and this certificate will be sent by courier.

  • This module will get the marks form the result management module.
  • It will take the content completion report from the Content management module and check whether the learner has completed all the contents
  • If all the assessment criteria are full-filled, certificate will be generated.
  • Learner can download the certificate after completing the course.
  • Learner can also view all the certificates from the Certificate button at the User Dashboard.

Multi-Language Support

User management module is actually the admin panel where the administrator can manage user information. This is one of the basic modules for e-learning application. This module allows to manage users, groups, and roles. Administrator can add, delete, modify a user, group or role.

Multi-Language Support

Multi-Language Support

Responsiveness and

Responsive and Front-end User Friendly

Responsive and Front-end User Friendly

This e-learning application will be responsive application. Responsiveness means this application will support every kind of Operating System and all browsers. The UI will not be broken down in any kind of browser and OS. Example of some browsers: Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Web Browser, Safari, Netscape Browser, Maxton, Slimjet Browser etc. Some OS- Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and for mobile, iOS, Android OS, Windows OS, Blackberry OS, Symbian, Bada etc.

Payment Management

In this module, admin can see and manage the payment system.

  • There can be two payment options: Mobile banking and card payment.
  • BKash, Nagad, Rocket are the mobile banking options.
  • Admin can see and add merchant account.
  • Total Payment
  • Total Due
  • All payment details of users
Payment Management

Payment Management

More Features

Management Module

Management Module

Management Module

Management Module

Offline mood /

Configuration Interface

and Authorization
Management Interface

Rating &
Feedback Module



Management Module

Classroom Interface

Management Module

SMS Intregation
& Email Intregation

Server & Hosting /
Management Interface

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